Quite a bit different to most other installs but it works as I want it. (Although I may update it some day) But being portable you can try it without interfering with your existing Foobar2000.

It doesn't scale as well as the original and it's portable so it doesn't have the latest version of Foobar2000. I also use two Android apps to control foobar2000 on a PC,įoobar controller pro ( ) which needs software (available from the web site) installed on a PC running the Logitech Media Server and foobar2000. I like Tedgo's Darkone V4 the best but I never liked the GUI so awhile back I modded it. The way I use foobar is quite a bit different with the output being captured and then transmitted to a Raspberry Pi (PiCorePlayer 3.21 audio) fitted with a HiFiBerry DAC Pro via ethernet using software "FooSqueeze" which needs customizing and compiling with Autoit and AMIP for information display in foobr2000. I have found most things can be sorted out with the official site links and Google searches. If my opinion is wrong, or if the person who post that auction is offended (good argumentation needed), please Moderators announce me too, delete the post, and sometime in future I will show pictures of my own deck when it will be restored.That might be a tough task, compiling a how to, will watch out for it. Additionally, we do not even know for sure what was the original source of the photo used for the online auction. In addition, the requested links to "source" will be surely be deleted soon, making it useless in the long run. It is like exemplifying the Moon with craters as example of cosmic craters, when your own camera attached to the home-telescope does not help too much. The minimalistic official look of the player can now be changed with the help of a wide selection of designed skins that are available on our website in the presented selection. It hurts no-one, I think, because these examples are facts - not IP protected. Skins for Foobar2000 are a variety of original covers for your audio player that allows you to listen to your favorite downloaded music tracks on your computer. Point here is, to exemplify some VU meters and you did well a "public service". can anybody tell me how to make Analog VU Meter (any) independent from opened foobar2000 windows I'd like to close foobar2000 window but VU meter will be still working in it's window. Whether cropped from a professional/official Brochure, or cropped from a picture online, it is the same, as long as you show only the Deck (but not the whatever rest of image which could personalize it!). I did the same, because my HK3500 is not in such overall good shape at the time of posting (restoring now).